Monday, May 18, 2009

We Grieve with You . . .

It's ten o'clock at night and I needed to get this off my chest. Ivor and I have said from the beginning that we would be transparent with you because a ministry that is too shiny, too pretty, and veiled in the superficial is worse than no ministry at all. I know you all just gave me your precious time yesterday so I will make this short and sweet.

This week's post was about faith. It had to do with praying and believing. It had to do with the fact that we often pray "Perfunctory" or routine and dusty prayers, doubting the ability or willingness of God to answer them. I want to share with you my struggle tonight and then maybe give you a few final thoughts.

In the past three days, two friends lost their fathers, a wonderful young man I know lost his battle with a severe bone marrow disease (on or near his first year anniversary), and a friend's young son is battling a viral brain infection. I have done much praying this weekend and I have done so in faith. Tonight the wind has gone from my sails but I think that I need to share with you what God has laid on my heart.

Death is in the world and death is ugly. Sin is in the world and sin is ugly. God hates both but has shown us his plan for both. His Son Jesus died to do away with the penalty of sin and his resurrection conquered the grave!! Did God hear my prayers? Did he hear the prayers of countless others who prayed for my young friend? Yes! And, I don't think that most of those prayers were in vain or perfunctory but God has told us that we each must pass through the gate of death. Sometimes his answer to our prayer is revealed in the miraculous and other times his plan is different and results in our grief. Tonight I'm grieving but here is the kicker! I hear God's Spirit telling me to worship. How do I worship with tears in my eyes? I'll let you know when I next talk to you. Until that time and after that, we (you and I) will continue to pray prayers believing that God can do what our eyes and minds say he can't. I've seen it and believe.

All of our love surrounds you Lisa, Kim, Jen, Curt, and Karen! We hope that the peace of God that transcends all understanding floods your hearts tonight and for many nights.



1 comment:

  1. David, thank you so much for sharing your heart with us and for your prayers during the last 10 days. I do want to know how you "worship with tears in your eyes" since that was part of my struggle this week as well. I will tell you that as I struggled with that I heard God (and I have not listened to him in a long time). You, Ivor and I need to talk.


Please feel free to post a comment or question. This is meant to be a dialogue not a monologue. Look forward to hearing from you!