Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lazarus, come out!

     When my wife and I were married, a friend gave us this cool hibiscus plant (as much as a hibiscus can be "cool").  It was lush and healthy with huge orange flowers.  Now me, being the killer of all things green, was quickly able to transform the once hardy hibiscus into a massive pot of knotted sticks.  I made the mistake of leaving it on the deck unaware that squirrels like to gnaw on hibiscus branches until they look like match sticks and tooth picks.  As far as we could tell, this thing was D.E.A.D. dead!  We put it out in the garage prior to burial and forgot about it.  A few weeks later, I walked through the garage and "BAM" there were all kinds of new, green, very much alive, twigs growing from the dead wood!  A year later that crazy hibiscus is overgrowing our bathroom and the orange blossoms are its fruit.  

     OK, so what's with the story of a resurrected hibiscus?  God, the eternal, awesome creator of the universe; the God who made everything Ex Nihilo "Out of Nothing" is in the business of making dead things live!  If you think that it was impressive for God to bring the hibiscus to life, check out this story:

     Jesus was with his disciples when he received word from his friends Mary and Martha that their brother Lazarus was gravely ill.  But, when Jesus heard this he decided to stay put for two more days.  By the time Jesus arrived in Judea, Lazarus had already been dead for four days.  When Jesus told them to roll away the grave stone, Martha pointed out that a body, dead for four days, probably didn't smell so good.  The NIV translates it this way "By this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days."  The point was this:  Lazarus wasn't just sort of dead.  He was REALLY dead!

     Jesus, who the Bible tells us was the creator of everything that has ever been made, spoke these three words, "Lazarus, come out!".  And, guess what?  He DID!  Like my dead hibiscus, Lazarus came back from the dead.  Jesus Christ, is in the business of making dead things alive. The Bible tells us that without Christ, we are "dead in our trespasses and sins."  We are like Lazarus and the hibiscus.  Lazarus and the hibiscus had no innate power to make themselves alive but Jesus Christ, who is before all things and in whom all things hold together CAN make dead things live.

     I was told by a good friend that my last post was a bit "dark" and indeed it was.  (By the way, I love the feedback so keep it coming!)  I don't want to beat around any bushes here so I'll shoot from the hip.  If we're honest with ourselves, we'll admit that life is REALLY hard.  We struggle with relationships (with friends, children, and spouses).  We struggle with finances, self esteem, health, loneliness, broken hearts, depression, anxiety, fear, and I could go on and on.  If this doesn't pertain to you then you can move to the front of the class, but for the rest of us humans, we need some good news.

    Here it is again for those who may have missed it last week:  Jesus saves!  He makes all things new!  He takes four day old, smelly dead men and makes them breath again!  He makes dead hibiscus bloom!  He can take your spirit that is dead in its sin and give it new life or "New Birth".  The Bible says that we are saved "made alive" and "brought into right relationship with God" by grace (undeserved favor) through faith (believing with your heart) that Jesus lived a perfect life, died (paying the penalty for your sin and mine), and rose again on the third day (securing for us eternal life).  If you are struggling right now please don't give up or give in!  God knows your struggles.  He knows your pain, guilt, fear, and whatever you may be carrying.  Give it to him.  Ask Christ to heal you.  Be humble and admit your weakness and shortcomings then trust in Him.   Please drop us a comment if you'd like us to pray for you in any way.  It is our joy to do just that, REALLY!

Until next week,

In Christ, David


  1. David,
    I need to say the Word is in you and the way you lay it down is like butta'. Truth be told, I love you r heart and need to tell you that the only thing we do in this life is live it for Him. I gave my life to Jesus a while ago and truly live it in the Word 2 5 hours a day. Like this... I leave, I go, He comes, I am. It's for Hime and eternally. (that's why the e at the end of Him...ther is no end of Him). I love the way we go. Amen.

  2. We are truly given when the Word is in the lives of those who speak for the Lord. We are the body and must stand up and be real. He is our life and our salvation. He is the end and the beginning, and nothing can live without Him. I speak for the ones who have no countenance when I say ... death is no way to live. We must be seen and not heard and heard and not seen. This is a life we must live. He must be magniglafistatsistcly abistilicitily magniganormically magnified. Get it... seriously, it's like that. We go...he comes. Amen. Gotta be gotta be... read all the beatitudes, them read between the lines. amen and amen.

  3. that thems supposed to be a then. Man is seriously fallibeble or is it fallible?? fallible. (TGF spellcheck.) For the world is in the place it isn't for a while until ti is in the place it will be when it is wheni t is in the place it is. Amen.

  4. So David...I loved the blog....Another comfort wisp... Always appreciate being stirred...Psalm 45:1 stats...My heart is stirred by such a noble theme..(The rest of the verse is good also, but that's another story,,,) So How do we get into the presence of the Lord, or "stay inside the house", so that the squirrels won't bother us? Or are we placed outside until He comes to get us, and that is how much we need to rely on His restoration, because it is enevitable that the squirrels WILL come to feast?....LOL I loved the post brother...Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to move to you to write.
    _Brother Bruce

  5. Bruce,

    We can not stay in the house. God allows us to rest in the house and grow new branches but often he allows our branches to be pruned (or gnawed upon) either to weed out sin from our lives or to try our faith. Satan will put us outside with with the squirrels as well but only as far as God will allow (see Job). Those who are not in Christ may be stripped of pride (bark) until they turn in repentance and believers will become weak so that HIS strength will be made perfect in us!~ So, whether we are in the house, fertilized, watered, and blooming or we are outside in the midst of menacing squirrels we will rest in His unfailing love and grace!! Peace to you Brother Bruce

  6. David, I am grateful for that you and Ivor are doing this blog and CD. Each time I read this blog you seem to hit the nail on the head with what is going on between God and myself. Now, I just need to work on the myself part more (i.e. letting God).


  7. David & Ivor,

    Great blog!!!!! Thats exactly right.... He makes all things new, and aren't we sooo thankful for that! Think where we would all be without Him making us new. He saves us from the pit of hell and takes us on an awesome journey of His love, mercy and grace. Is it always easy, no way, He says "when trials come" not if they will come.
    Thank you to the both of you for furthering God's kingdom!!
    I love both of you guys!



Please feel free to post a comment or question. This is meant to be a dialogue not a monologue. Look forward to hearing from you!