Saturday, June 26, 2010

That's called "Doubting" and it's a Point Against.

Wham!  A punch lands on the back of my right shoulder. "Slugbug white!" 

My son Trevor can spot a  Volkswagen from two block away in the dense fog and, as I have learned that the rules have changed to include all Volkswagens not just the Beetle. In that case you would not have to use the preface "Slugbug".  So yesterday we were driving down the road when I get whacked again and I hear, "Silver one!".  I look around and see Fords, Chevys, Toyotas, and a shiny black Lexus but no Volkswagen.  "Where?", I cried out in protest.  Trevor responded with this:

"Dad, that's called 'Doubting' and its a point against but since you didn't know the rule it won't count against you this time."  

"So you're telling me that I just have to trust that you're telling me the truth when you say, 'Slugbug or silver one'?"



"That's the rule Dad."

"OK, I won't doubt any more."


OK, I was a "Doubting Thomas" but so was Thomas.  He was the original, the poster child of doubt.  Jesus had appeared to the Apostles in the upper room a week earlier and when they told Thomas he was like, "No way! You guys are full of bologna.  Jesus is dead." (My paraphrase).  The NIV translates it this way:

"Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." (John 20:24-25)

A week later, with Thomas now in the room, Jesus entered and said to him, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

It's kind of like Peter, James, John, and Thomas are driving along with Thomas in the front passenger seat when Peter (the aggressive one) punches Thomas in the arm and exclaims, "Jesus!" and Thomas says, "Where?"  Peter says, "That's called 'Doubting' and it's a point against but I won't count this one against you because you didn't know the rule."

I know it's hard to believe in Jesus and have faith especially when you can't see him and even more difficult when the road you're on is treacherous and you are afraid.  I understand that there are times when you look around and you see no sign of God (at least you don't notice them) but this is where faith comes alive.  You don't need faith to walk ahead when you are healthy, your bank account is full, your stomach is full, and everyone thinks you're something special but when you're holding the biopsy results, watching your spouse move out, or seeing the bank take back your home that's when Jesus' words mean something more.

I don't want to be trite and discount the fear, anxiety, and even despair that comes in these desert times.  I have been in a few myself.   But I know that God is God 24/7 and his Word is true.  I know that the Apostles suffered and had times of severe testing.  I know Jesus cried out from the cross, "My God, my God.  Why have you forsaken me?"  But I also know that in the end "All thing will work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose."  Jesus said, "Stop doubting and believe."  In rough seas Jesus calmed the waves and in death told Lazarus to "Come out!".

If you feel like you got punched in the arm (or maybe in the head) and you are looking around for Jesus but can't seem to see him I want to pray for you today:

"Lord, today (Insert your name)  can't seem to see you and is afraid, tired, and maybe even full of despair.  Please give him (or her) a fresh portion of faith today.  Let (your name) spiritually feel the nail marks in your hands and the hole in your side.  Place a solid rock beneath his (or her) feet and grant him (or her) grace sufficient for the day.  Give (your name) sunshine in the darkness, living water in the desert, and hope in the storm.  Help (your name) to see any sin that may be hindering their relationship with you and give him (or her) the humility and strength to repent.  Hear (your name's') cries and even if he (or she) can't form the words of a prayer I trust you know exactly what (your name) needs.  Thanks in advance for your faithfulness even when we say, "Where?".

In Jesus name.  Amen.

Peace (your name),


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