Saturday, May 29, 2010

Convictions Verses Beliefs - The Nonsensical Square Circle

Convictions verses beliefs.  Convictions are like braided steel and beliefs are like cotton rope.  Beliefs can grow to become convictions but they can also fade like a post vacation tan.  It has become common knowledge that when teens raised in the Christian faith leave home they have a good chance of leaving the faith, never to return.  The Barna Group conducted a survey among young people (13-17) in 2009 and found that strong interest in staying connected with a church was most common among non-mainline denomination teenagers (49%). Only one-quarter of mainline (denomination) students (25%) and one-fifth of Catholic teens (20%) said they definitely expect their life to include active involvement with a faith community or church by age 25.  Why?  Their belief (if they had one) never grew to the level of a conviction.  Why? Because they never had a firm foundation.  Why?  Partly because in the Postmodern world there has been a blurring of the boundaries between truth and untruth.  Actually, the word "truth" has been systematically weeded out especially when it pertains to religious beliefs.

Let me try to give you a visual.  Imagine four people in the basket of a hot air balloon.  When they started the trip they all believed that having hot air in the balloon was the only way to keep them floating safely in the sky.   But they had all been exposed to many popular published papers and well prepared speeches  reporting that baskets don't need balloons to stay aloft.  Others reported that free falling baskets were not only fun but were the real goal of ballooning.  Others stated that it didn't really matter if the basket floated or fell because it was all an illusion anyway.  Suddenly there appeared a huge tear in the balloon and the basket began to free fall toward the ground.  Kyle smiled and said, "I really don't care about the hole because all my friends believe that balloons aren't necessary for this trip and I have learned tolerance."  Sarah yelled excitedly, "Yeah!  I always wanted to free fall.  My pastor always told me that there are many ways to get back to the ground and we should be open-minded to other ways.  This way is lots more fun!"  Tina closed her eyes and began to chant, "I'm floating.  I'm floating. I'm floating."  Brian looked around and realized that the situation was urgent and  his belief that a fully inflated hot air balloon was necessary for the basket to stay aloft was truth.  He grabbed the emergency parachute, strapped in on, and jumped from the doomed basket.

I know I've addressed this before but I think it's ultimately one of the most important topics of the Christian faith.  Is it true?  I mean if it's just one of many cool fads but it's not true then we should jump.  Have you seen the bumper stickers that show many different religious symbols configured to form the word "COEXIST"?  The symbols include the crescent of Islam, the Buddhist yin yang, E=mc2 (science), the Jewish Star of David, the pagan symbol "ankh" (everlasting life), the Celtic symbol of Wicca, and the cross of Christianity.  Now I agree that we need to coexist and as far as I can tell, we do.  But I think that the meaning of this in today's culture is that they are all equally valid and true as long as the believer is sincere.  I love Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, Jews, pagans, and Wiccans but I would never demean their beliefs or mine by the nonsensical idea that all of the beliefs can be true at the same time. Our young people have few convictions because they hold to the idea that truth is relative and to claim any exclusive truth is intolerant and wrong.  Jesus is cool for me but certainly not necessary for you.  You cling to that stone idol on a string around your neck and that is just as good as a risen Savior.

Jesus said unless we receive the Kingdom of God like little children we will not enter it.  Even a child knows that a circle can't be a square and that nothing can't be something.  A child knows that a rock can't be a marshmallow.  So why is it that adults can believe that God can both exist and not exist based on our beliefs or that Jesus both rose from the dead and didn't rise from the dead?  Why is it that adults can believe that life randomly came from a cosmic accident and evolved over millions of years and at the same time find it compatible with the belief that God created living creatures "each of their own kind" on the fifth day?  

We have become weak in our presentation of the Biblical truth and because many of our leaders don't have convictions with regard to the God of the Bible, neither do our youth have convictions.  Because many of our leaders don't believe the Bible and present bits and pieces to suit there desires, our youth are finding it meaningless and worthless. And quite frankly if it is not true then they are justified in fleeing.  But if it is true then they are fleeing from the very thing that will provide for them hope, forgiveness, and eternal life.  Our youth are increasingly hopeless, depressed, and angry.  Look around you.  Read the paper and see for yourselves.  

If it is true that "The Lord our God is One" that "Jesus is the way and the truth and the life" that "In the beginning God created.." that one day he will "Judge the living and the dead" that "on the third day he rose from the dead" and that there is a "broad road that leads to destruction and a narrow road that leads to life" then to just hold hands and sing Kumbaya is like all of us falling to the ground in our balloon-less basket.

Friends, truth is!  I challenge you today to examine what you hold to be true and if it doesn't stand then move on.  None of us really want to cling to a sinking ship.

One last thing, if you find this blog meaningful please pass the link on to your friends and family members!  

Grace and peace,


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