Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Gospel - Don't be Afraid to Use Words~

Kayla and Ben spent hours pouring over topographical maps and GPS coordinates for their upcoming trip down the mighty, white waters of the Mongodongo River. One thing was for sure, when they came to the fork in the river marked by the massive boulder (called the Rock) they would take the branch that went off to the right. They had seen pictures of the terrible rapids and the eventual two hundred foot waterfall that would swallow them up if they took the left branch. Someone who who knew the river well and who had seen many people meet their demise at the hand of the deadly Left Branch of the Mongodongo told them to go right at the Rock. He sat down with them and explained in detail how to navigate the tricky waters near the fork in the river and even gave them a special journal he had been given that gave both instruction and encouragement from those who had already successfully made it to the great city at the river's end.

Kayla and Ben enjoyed the first part of the trip even though there were a few scary rapids and dangerous downed trees along the way. They pulled their raft onto a small island that was about a quarter mile upstream from the fork in the river and noticed a large group of rafters laughing and having a great time. There were about twenty rafts in the group and nearly eighty people of all ages. Kayla noticed that some of the people didn't have water bottles and seemed thirsty while others had blisters on their hands from rowing. Some seemed cold because they had come down the river without proper clothes. Kayla asked Ben to gather the extra water bottles they had brought and pass them out while she would use their first aide kit to bandage up the blisters. She had packed a few extra jackets for the trip and knew it would be the Christian thing to give them away even though they were expensive Patagonia Jackets from Cabelas. Bummer!

They were showing the people the love of Christ and it was clear to them that it would show by their actions. As Ben handed out water bottles he noticed a big sign that was in the lead raft. It read: "Left Branch River Outfitters". Ben began to chat with the river guide who told him that he was leading the group down the Left Branch today and that it was supposed to be a great time. Ben knew that his maps told a different story but who was he to impose his ideas on them? Besides they were having such a good time and he didn't want to scare them. After talking it over with Kayla, it was decided that their actions of love and service would probably be enough to convince the group to follow them down the Right Branch. As they all made their way back into the river, Kayla noticed that the other group turned down the Left Branch and as they did , Ben could hear one of the men yell out, "Thanks for the water and the jackets!" At the end of the trip, just before the great city, Kayla and Ben saw floating in the river four water bottles, three torn and deflated rafts, and two Patagonia jackets but not a person was seen again from the doomed Left Branch group.

I've heard it said before that it is often better to share Christ with our deeds than our words. As a matter of fact, St. Francis of Assisi said it this way, "Preach the gospel at all times - if necessary, use words." Now I don't want to contradict a Saint but I do want to share the words of the Apostle Paul and also make a couple points.

In Romans Chapter 10, after Paul shares the words, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." he goes on to make a rather obvious point. "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" He goes onto say, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

Look, the Gospel is amazingly good news but ultimately it comes through the sharing of the message. It is impossible to share the Gospel without words. At some point in time, the name of Jesus has to be shared because the Bible tells us that "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." I know many people who manifest love and good deeds but do not lead people to saving faith in Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact some of the kindest people I know have been followers of New Age, Wiccans, and practitioners of Transcendental Meditation but none of them by their actions led a single soul to call on the name of God's one and only Son. Our lack of using words usually comes out of fear. Fear of losing friends. Fear of not knowing enough? Fear of being labeled a bigot or a radical. It also comes from a true lack of urgency for the fate of those going down the Left Branch.

Here is my last point: It ALL comes down to love! Our sharing of the truth of the Gospel has to come from a heart of love for others. It has to come from caring more about another's eternal life and their restored relationship with God than whether or not someone likes us or likes what we say. If we share out of a heart of self righteousness then we become hypocrites. If we give them the words but fail to touch them in their need (ie. feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the widow, and heal the sick) then the words will never be heard and we will not have loved!

The sharing of the Gospel requires us to pass out the water bottles, the bandages, and the new Patagonia jackets but it also requires us to tell the people about the dangerous Left Branch and the passage of safety at the Rock! We need to use words! Jesus didn't walk around silently healing and feeding. He spoke right up to the point before he ascended to the right hand of the Father, speaking these words, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."



1 comment:

  1. Fearful,yes. Lord help me overcome this part of my faith which is weak.

    By the way, I think it can be as simple as tuning in to a new visitor in church - it doesn't have to be in front of a group 1000's proclaiming the gospel. Of course that is not a bad thing either.....


Please feel free to post a comment or question. This is meant to be a dialogue not a monologue. Look forward to hearing from you!